Chewing gum removal & Pavement cleaning

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Is your public space clean and free of chewing gum? Jadon guarantees you; a clean and chewing gum-free shopping area, realized quickly and professionally, environmentally friendly and with a minimum of nuisance!
Our public space is being made increasingly attractive with high-quality surfacing and well-thought-out layouts. However, how beautiful, and good the design is, regular maintenance, such as sweeping, will not help to prevent the pavement from becoming dirty.
Chewing gum - often present in large quantities - is a major source of annoyance. But algae, mosses, and grime, originating from weather and traffic influences, also provide a grey layer over the pavement. This nullifies the originally intended appearance and the streetscape is under pressure!
Our cleaning teams remove all chewing gum spots and clean your pavement at the same time.
After a cleaning by Jadon, the street scape undergoes a true metamorphosis. With Jadon's specialist and patented cleaning technique, the paving is cleaned pore-deep using steam and very hot water under pressure. Due to the high temperatures, chemicals are unnecessary, which means that the environmental impact is minimal. Pavements are completely clean and look like new! Because the process is adjustable, almost all types of pavements can be cleaned, regardless of the type of joint, type of stone or finish used.

A clean shopping area attracts visitors, gives the public space a high-quality appearance, ensures safety and benefits all parties!

Various studies have shown that a clean public space gives visitors a safe feeling, reduces vandalism and that a clean shopping area is the only means of preventing re-pollution. In a clean environment people are much more aware that they are throwing their rubbish in a garbage can, or not spitting their chewing gum on the street. A dirty street invites pollution and vandalism, with all its consequences!
The term “Clean, intact and safe” takes on an extra meaning after cleaning by Jadon. Paving’s are completely clean and look like NEW! This gives the whole environment an extra impulse. The result is immediately visible to everyone, people see that something is happening!

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